

Welcome to the Nottinghamshire FA’s Discipline webpage. Here, we have created and uploaded several useful guidance documents to try and help you to navigate what can be a complicated and confusing area of Grassroots Football at times. These guides can be accessed through hyperlinks embedded in the following text but are also all collated in a table at the bottom of this page. 


Discipline Update - November 2023 Onwards

Some initial key reading can be found below:

2023/24 FA Handbook HERE

2023/24 Grassroots Discipline Guide HERE

Discipline Complaints Procedure HERE 


If you are simply seeking guidance on deadlines for various aspects of Grassroots Football Discipline, you can access a table outlining these HERE. Please however note that abandoned matches are treated differently to regular matches as deadlines for these are shorter, which is set out in the above table. Specific information regarding abandoned matches can be found HERE.
Outside of Misconduct cases, most of the Discipline in Grassroots Football is made up of Cards which are shown during matches. Our guide HERE overviews Cards, Sin Bins and Accumulations. Occasionally, you may wish to appeal a Red Card shown during a match. Full guidance into red card appeals can be found HERE. One further aspect to cards which you may require assistance with is adding suspension matches to the Whole Game System, please read guidance regarding this HERE.



Most of this page from here on out is going to focus on the process with regards to Misconduct charges, hearings, and appeals:

Firstly, it would be useful to understand what a ‘charge’ in Grassroots Football is. You can access a useful chart, overviewing the various charges used in Grassroots Football HERE.
If you have received a charge on the Whole Game System, you should now be able to link it to the guidance above (full charge information is also available in your Charge Letter, and this is specific to your charge in particular), but you also need to understand what to do with this charge. Guidance to this can be found HERE.

Once you have received, read, and understood a charge you are required to respond. Your charge response is your indicator to the County FA of two things:

1. How you plead to the charge
2. How you would like your case to be heard

Please read the attached guidance HERE for full information regarding responding to charges.

Once the above is actioned, your case is then at a stage to be heard by the County FA. If you have requested a Personal Hearing or Verbal Plea, it is important that you understand the process for each of these and how they work on the night. Please read the important guidance document HEREOnce a case is heard, you have a right to appeal which is set out in the Results Letter. This gets uploaded onto the case in the Whole Game System following the Hearing.


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As of 2019/20 the FA have introduced Sin Bins across all levels of grassroots football. 

Click here for an interactive video highlighting how sin bins will be implemented as punishment for dissent


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